Friday, February 14, 2014

The Intern Adventure 9: Valentine's at Work (6th Week)

There was a saying, "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." That saying has been on my mind this week. Lots of good things happen in the office this week, and I can say that I am happy. For so many reasons, I am just happy!

I remember the night before our work started, I remember how I was feeling scared to start. I even remember how many times I stopped walking when I was heading to the office just to think how should I present myself to the people there, and how scared I was to fail. But now, every morning, I can't wait to get to the office to start working and to meet my colleagues. Then when I get home at around 5:00 pm, my sisters would tell me that I don't look tired at all and I seem to be happy. And then I realize this one thing - it is not the job itself that will make you happy in the workplace, it is actually the people you. I am always inspired to go to work when I remember how warm my colleagues are, and how they treat us, co-op students, as a part of their family. I laugh with them, I tell stories with them, I eat lunch with them (Brendan treated us a super delicious lunch earlier and it's my turn next Friday), and I learn with them. My objective, being more open to people, is becoming successful now and I can't wait to get that off of my objectives list. :)

It is getting busier now at work and I am starting to feel the pressure now, but I see it as a positive thing for me. I have three client books that I am currently working on and they are all needing to their employees' T4s by next week so I have to hurry. I am really thankful that I got in to this co-op program because I realize that I really like to be an accountant. I wasn't sure about this before, and I was worried that I won't like it once I started working after I get my university degree. This internship experience makes me feel excited about my future professional career and it inspires me to study hard when I go back to university this fall. At my work now, almost everyday is a surprise for myself - I learn many new things about myself everyday. My primary concern was my self-confidence but I can say now that I am improving, I am learning to trust myself more. 

Also, today is Valentine's Day. I made some giveaways for clients and we wore red in the office. Today was really fun. I had a good time with my colleagues and I am excited to go work on Monday. Yes, that's a holiday but I am coming to work because I just want to (and I also need to finish some bookkeeping!!). :)

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