Friday, February 21, 2014

The Intern Adventure 10: 7th Week

This week is not my favourite week. I have not accomplished my goal which was to finish the bookkeeping for two companies that I was working on since last week. As a result, I am stocked with those same jobs and I can't move forward to other jobs. I was feeling guilty because I feel like I can't help them with the other jobs that need to be done.

But to tell you frankly, I have learned a lot from this whole experience. I thought that I was already finished with those two jobs and when I showed it to my supervisor, there were still a lot of things that need to be corrected. While being busy trying to finish my work, I was also busy thinking what would people around me would think about me if I am being too slow with what I was doing. I guess that was the part where everything went wrong. I was creating a problem in my mind that would never exist - which was something that I usually do. I should have focused on trying to make things right rather than trying to make people believe that I am really good. I am embarrassed to admit that I was a bit proud of myself. There were times when I don't want to seek for any help because I believe that I can do everything by myself. I thought I have overcome that already but seemed like it can't be easily changed. I guess I have to put that as one of my personal objectives that I really hope I can develop.

I also learned a lot from my senior colleagues. It was always nice to work in the little office full of warm people. When I feel like it's getting stressful at work, I will look around me and no one seems to have a bad day. I have never seen my colleagues being in a bad mood. What I admire the most in the office right now is our supervisor, Loretta. She might not realize it but I am learning a lot from her when it comes to organizational management which I could all apply in the future. She is a kind of boss who will always have time for you no matter how busy she is and would always encourage you to do better. She will always make you feel that your mistakes do not define who you are, but will encourage you to learn from them. I would like to be her in the future.

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