Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Intern Adventure 12: 9th Week

They said that a Canadian tax season for Canadian accounting and tax professionals is a really stressful time of the year. Everyone wanted to have their taxes done few days after they dropped their tax slips and receipts off in the office. I witnessed it and I appreciate more the job of an accountant - I appreciate my future self more. But this tax season for me is more of a learning opportunity, some of the skills that I hoped to develop are really coming to life now.

Just for this week, I dealt with four clients and I cannot believe that I was able to finish the bookkeeping and GST filing jobs for them. If I was the same person before, I do not think that I could do that because my multitasking skills were not really good. I can now say that my multitasking skills are improving (Objective A, second bullet). I am really happy that another week has ended and I know that I accomplished something good not only for the company, but for myself as well.

Since I have been talking to four clients, it is not surprising how I become more confident in talking to them. Talking to the phone was something that I really do not want to do before because it is so uncomfortable for me. I love how I can just easily pick up the phone when someone's calling me without feeling nervous or uneasy. I love how I can just easily dial people's numbers when I have to call them without shaking my hands. I would say my interpersonal skills are improving as well and I can now interact with people more comfortably (Objective A, second bullet).

What I love the most about A1 Accounting is the freedom that they give to us to learn things on our own while giving us full support whenever we need them. They never pressure us to get things done but the trust that they give to us that we can do the tasks assigned to us is something that inspires us to do well.

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